The Many Amazing Ways To Cook Bacon

We’ve covered a lot of different ways to cook bacon on this blog. We’ve even gotten into a few arguments about the best way to do it. But today, all of the arguing is over. Today, I thought I’d do a round-up of all the different methods I’ve covered, in a handy-dandy reference post for y’all. Set your bookmarks, and follow along on our super-duper bacon cooking roundup. (Okay, I need a better name than that.)

Frying Bacon

Frying bacon is the most common way to cook up some bacon. CHOW provides this handy video to give you the basics of what you need to know. But what if you want to fry in winter? Baconology will help you out with that. And some people are so committed to frying, they use their bacon alarm clock to do it. But mostly, I just like to watch it fry.

Deep Fried Bacon

If you love something enough, you just have to deep fry it. (Well, please don’t deep fry your pets!) Chef Rob has given us a great recipe for deep fried bacon, but there are so many out there. For example, the ever-dependable Instructables has one. As this site will tell you, Sodolak’s Original Country Inn is the place to go for Deep Fried Bacon, but if you can’t make your way to Texas, you could try this version of his recipe.

Baking Bacon

Possibly the most popular form of cooking bacon? Maybe I won’t open that can of worms again. If you didn’t think there is a fight between frying bacon fans and baking bacon fans, chowhound brings you up to speed. Taste-the-bacon runs down the basics of baking and so does Bacon Goddess. In fact, pretty much everyone can tell you how to bake bacon. It’s not a favoured bacon cooking method for nothing! But I will show you the best way you should do below

Best Way to Bake Bacon

Best Way to Bake Bacon

When you first cooked bacon, you probably fried it in a pan. Heck, that’s how it’s shown in the movies. And frying pans can make cooking bacon quick and easy: put in some cooking oil, drop in the bacon, turn on the burner and away you go.

But as anyone who has cooked bacon knows, the bubbling of the cooking oil can sometimes pop onto your exposed skin. Frying also requires a lot of watching to make sure you the bacon doesn’t stick to the bottom of the pan. One of the ways to avoid these problems is to bake your bacon.

There are many ways to bake bacon. And although I’ll provide a description of how to do it, you’ll have to test drive it the first time to see if it cooks the way you want it to. After all, we all like our bacon cooked differently – embrace your personal preference!

The Best Way to Bake Bacon – Steps by Steps

1. Preheat the oven to a fairly hot temperature: about 400-425 degrees Fahrenheit.

2. Get out a cookie sheet with a raised rim (you don’t want the excess bacon fat to drip into your oven). I’d also cover it with a sheet of aluminum foil for ease of cleaning. There are some special pans to help you bake bacon, but you don’t need to invest money into special pans to enjoy the baked flavour (Although it doesn’t hurt to invest in something that’ll make your life easier!).

3. Put the bacon on the sheet. Make sure the bacon pieces don’t overlap each other.

4. Put the sheet in the oven and bake for five minutes. After the five minutes are finished, turn the tray around to ensure that the bacon cooks evenly.

5. Bake for a few minutes longer. You’ll have to keep an eye on it. Ovens always vary in their cooking temperatures, and the baking time depends on how crispy you like your bacon.

6. Take your bacon out. Dab it with a paper towel to remove any excess bacon fat.

7. Enjoy!

The benefits to this method are that you get a consistent level of cooked bacon. Your bacon is also unlikely to get overcooked, or to stick to the pan. Baking bacon is particularly good if you like your bacon crispy and evenly cooked. If you’ve never tried baking bacon, consider it the next time you are enjoying your favourite treat.

Microwaving Bacon

Microwaving bacon is the poor man’s way of cooking bacon: it probably should only be used in last resort situations when all other options fail you. But if you are in that situation, it can still present you with some unexpected issues. Start cooking steers us in the right direction. A Michelin reviewer has his own opinions about how to make the perfect microwaved bacon sandwich. If you need a good reason to microwave bacon, Livestrong gives you the deets on why it might be a smart choice. But if you just want to laugh, you can snicker along to Rachel Ray’s ridiculous “Late Night Bacon” recipe.

Other Ways

There are other ways to cook bacon. For example, you can cook it on a BBQ in an explosion. Or, after you’ve hollowed out an orange, you can just cook some slices inside. For the militarists out there, you can use your leftover guns to cook some bacon. And it’s never a bad idea to just stab it with some metal tongs and hold it over a campfire.

1. Use a Machine Gun to Cook Your Bacon

There’s plenty of ways to cook bacon: you can fry, microwave or bake it. In fact, do whatever you like! It’s a pretty chilled out food item. It doesn’t mind. In fact, people seem to be coming up with new ways of cooking bacon every day. This one I’ve heard of recently really takes the cake for originality: someone has found a way to cook bacon with a machine gun.

Cooking Bacon the Way Real Men Do It

I’ve already told you about the BAK-47 (the AK-47 made out of bacon). But that’s not what I’m talking about today. Making a gun out of bacon is child’s play compared to this (literally). It’s so crazy I’m going to say it again: some dude on reddit has actually cooked bacon with his handy-dandy 7.62mm machine gun. (You know, the one he just happened to have lying around.) And the cooking did not involve shooting the bacon in any way. This is how he did it.

How To Cook the Bacon

First of all, our brave chef exposed the barrel of his machine gun and wrapped tin foil around it. Then, he tied the foil down on either end of the barrel with string to ensure it didn’t come off. After this, he wrapped the bacon around the foil, and wrapped some more foil around the bacon. This step is very important. The fired bullets give off searing hot gases. This is what cooks the bacon through the foil. But exposing the bacon to the gases can and will burn it (putting it in the foil lowers the heat a bit). And cause there are strange, kinda metallic-y gases being produced, it’s unlikely that you’d want to eat bacon that has come into contact with them.

After the bacon is all nice and snug, you can fire away. Our reddit chef fired 200 rounds, but he figured the bacon was pretty much done after 150 rounds: the smell of cooked bacon was making him hungry. The final product looks surprisingly well-cooked and delicious. I don’t have any weapons of mass-destruction lying around, but I wouldn’t be against trying some machine gun cooked bacon someday. A guy can dream, can’t he?

A Long, Proud History of Misusing Weapons to Make Breakfast

Cooking bacon with machine guns isn’t entirely new. In fact, the reddit guy got the idea from a historic practice. Back in WWI, British troops used the Vickers Machine Gun in the trenches. Part of its firing system used water: the sleeve around the barrel was filled with water to cool it down. When the barrel heated up, the water would turn to steam. It would then move through to another part of the gun and condense back into water. But in the mornings, the British troops would sometimes use this aspect of the machine gun to perk up their breakfast. They would fire off a few rounds into no-man’s-land, take out the boiling water from the gun before it condensed and use the boiling water to make tea. That’s a manly cup of tea!

2. Can Bacon Be Cooked On The Sidewalk?

We’ve all heard about that rumour: on hot days you can fry an egg on the pavement. But if you are going to fry an egg, shouldn’t you have some bacon to go along with it? It makes sense, doesn’t it? It’s certainly been redonkulously hot in Canada lately.

Apparently there is a dome of hot air just hovering over our country, slowly cooking us. If that’s the case, why not conduct an experiment in street bacon frying, to see if it will work? Please click on the link to see our answer to the question: can bacon be cooked on the sidewalk?


Before we begin, I should probably warn you that all of this is for entertainment purposes. Although I’m crazy enough to cook bacon on the street, I don’t recommend you doing it. That being said, my first step was in gathering some much needed bacon. I got out a pack of Maple Leaf bacon and put three slices on some tin foil. I figured that if I wanted to eat the bacon later, I’d probably prefer something dirtless.

But oh man, was it melting almost immediately. Before the project could get much underway I had to scoot back into my house to put away the rest of the bacon. Don’t want to use all of my bacon for just an experiment!

In the next photo, you’ll notice the bacon splayed out on the aluminum foil like a trio of bathing beauties. If you look carefully, you can see the temperature outside (the top number) is thirty-three degrees. Pretty durn hot! I definitely felt like I was starting to cook, so I ran to some shade and began timing.

After Five Minutes

After five minutes, there’s not much noticeable change to the bacon. The temperature gauge has gone up to 39 degrees. Both the bacon and I are sweating like crazy, but I can’t see any difference aside from that. The flies certainly don’t seem to mind, as I spend most of my time running from the shade to shoo them away from my bacon. I’m also becoming deeply self-conscious. I hope none of my neighbours can see this. But no matter! This is for the betterment of science and mankind and bacon!

After Ten Minutes

No change in the bacon, but I think I need a drink. The temperature has gone up to forty degrees and has briefly flirted with forty-one. Wasps and ants have joined the flies in a fight for my bacon. I spend a good portion of my time fighting them away. I’m starting to lose hope. When I touched the bacon, it actually still feels kinda cool – as if all the sweating is making it cool down. Which, you know, is what sweating does. I decide to give it an hour and retreat to my home to huddle by my AC.

After An Hour

No apparent change in the bacon aside from the fact that it looks a little drier. If anything, I guess I’m heading in the direction of beef jerky rather than fried bacon. Reluctantly, I pack up my bacon and trudge into my house. I declare the experiment officially over.

After some searching on the Internet, I find out that the substantially similar egg-frying-on-the-sidewalk requires temperatures of over 150 degrees F or about 66 degrees Celsius. So, we were off by about thirty degrees today. In retrospect, I guess it makes sense that it doesn’t get bacon-fryingly hot, or else we might get more than just sun burned – we could get cooked!

But you’ll never know about these things until you try. And try, I did. In honour of my efforts, I cooked up a huge mess of bacon the old-fashioned way, and enjoyed it. After all, if we’ve got bacon-frying, who needs anything else?

3. Can the George Foreman Grill Cook the Perfect Bacon?

I forgot to mention a popular one that actually has many advantages to it: making bacon on the George Foreman Grill (or similar home grilling machines). Why is cooking on this kinda awesome? Are there any drawbacks? Today, we’ll talk about how this underrated cooking method could actually save your bacon.

Can the George Foreman Grill Cook the Perfect Bacon

From Zero to One Hundred Million in Fifteen Years

The George Foreman Grill (for those people who do not have a television and are unaware of it), is an indoor grilling machine. It features two grilling plates in a clamshell that you jam (or place) food between. The plates are non-stick. As well, the whole design is shaped so that any excess grease drips down into a tray – making it allegedly healthier since the food doesn’t cook in the grease. It’s been super-popular. Since its introduction, the official George Foreman grill has sold over 100 million units. There are also a whole bunch of imitations, and they’ve sold a whack, as well.

The Ultimate Bacon-Cooking Device?

The benefits to cooking bacon are pretty apparent. Like baking bacon on a broiler tray, bacon grease can easily sluice off the bacon and be collected (for later use in your baking!). The bacon also stays flat, and doesn’t curl or stick. You can basically get every piece of bacon looking the same every time you cook it. Like baking, there is also less chance of you getting hit by splatter (except, of course, when you are opening the grill.) Finally, a chance to cook some bacon nekkid! Trying to be hip, obviously it isn’t working out to well.

Cooking on the grill is also incredibly easy. The bacon doesn’t really need you to pay attention to it. You’ll have to occasionally check to see if the bacon has achieved the amount of doneness you prefer. But a quick way to tell that your bacon is getting close is to watch the fat dripping into the tray. When you start, it will be white and thick. As you get closer to the right amount of doneness, the bacon grease will become thinner and more transparent. And it’s a snap for cleaning up. The grill is non-stick, so wiping down the plates when they are a bit warm will ensure there is no scraping.

Slow Bacon Can Be Good Bacon

The one major drawback to the grill is time: the grills do take a bit of time to cook on. The grilled slices may not also get the doneness you prefer – some people say that their bacon is not as crispy as they would like it to be when they use the grill. But overall, these are minor concerns when the benefits are so obvious.

George Foreman Grill in Action

This video shows you what bacon looks like when it’s cooked on the George Foreman Grill. After cooking for a few minutes, the bacon does pretty much look like the perfect ideal of bacon. Added bonus: I’m also totally enjoying the shots of the bacon bubbling away on the grill. Mmmmmmm. I can smell the deliciousness.

George Foreman Grill cooks bacon

What do you think is the best way to cook your bacon?

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